The latest issue of highlights the power of collaboration in philanthropy.

Our main story profiles bridge-builder Sue Toomey, chief executive officer of the Singapore-based Asia Community Foundation which connects donors with each other and with causes, matching resources to needs.

The National University of Singapore’s Centre for Computing for Social Good and Philanthropy, which works with charities to let its students give back to society, has appointed Prabhu Natarajan as its new director effective from next year.

Meanwhile, a recent report by the Hong Kong-based Centre for Asian Philanthropy and Society (CAPS) said collaborative giving models are relatively scarce in Asia where players need to find ways to forge more cooperation.

Resolving  environmental problems requires multilateral cooperation. The Hong Kong Monetary Authority, Asian Development Bank, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and World Bank Group’s International Finance Corporation (IFC) have forged a strategic partnership for climate investment to address sustainability challenges in the region.

We hope you find these articles useful and welcome comments, feedback or suggestions.

We wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. We will be back in January with more stories and feel free to get in touch.

Happy reading!

Carrie Lee, Editor